Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thing # 21

I really enjoyed creating podcasts and videocasts for this assignment. I had not spent much time with PhotoStory before this assignment. I had spent a lot of time using Audacity to create podcasts for graduate school and personal use. My PhotoStory is one that I helped my teaching partner and our group of students create this past week at summer school. It was a great experience and I really learned a lot about PhotoStory and how to put multiple projects together into one collaborative PhotoStory project. Check out my videocast!

Since this was a student created PhotoStory (with teacher support) I can 100% see the implications for classroom use. Students enoy creating technology rich projects and this is a great way to show off their learning and summarize what they know.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad yo posted this where others can see the possibilities of what students can produce!
