Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing # 6

My mashup is Wordle. It can be found at the following link:

I like this because I can take a science concept that I am going to teach to students and put all of the vocabulary for that topic and put them in a Wordle. Then I can display them and gather prior knowledge or use it as a post assessment or review piece to see what the kids can tell me.

It is also a cool way to introduce staff to a new concept as an introduction. Plus they are a lot of fun to create and display - (Thing 7 1/2) - PLAY!


  1. I also like Wordle. I can show a person what words they "overuse" as well.

    I am wondering how you get your avatar to show up on your blog page. Mine did at first but now it doesn't. Looks like yours is not trying to display from the Yahoo code. Did you save it another way?

  2. I think I may have figured out how to make that link to the avatar now. At least it is working for the present. Do you see my avatar when you go to my site?

  3. Yes, your avatar is is showing up just fine. I downloaded and added a picture gadget to my page and that is how I got my avatar to appear.

  4. I love your use of Wordle and I didn't know it was a mashup. I'm thinking how I can use it with my kids.
